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What an amazing kickoff event for Chamber Music OC last night! The audience was excited and responsive, the music felt great, and the overall mood was electric – I really don’t think it could have gone any better.

Of course, any time I am playing with Kevin and Iryna, it’s a huge privilege. Having the added bonus of being joined by David Samuel and Yuri Cho from the Afiara String Quartet just made for an incredible experience. An even greater bonus was getting to be on stage with Michelle as well, during the Dvorak Serenade for Strings with the CMOC Young Artists! Everyone played so well and felt great after the show.

As amazing as last night was, bigger things are in store for CMOC! Kevin and Iryna have done such inspiring work turning their vision into a reality, and now that it has serious momentum, there’s no stopping it from getting bigger and better. The coming season will include some unbelievable performers and performances, and see the start of many new projects under the CMOC umbrella.

We’ll put pictures up soon, and I’ll be working on a short promo-type video summarizing the concert. Also, some very exciting news from Trio CĂ©leste about the upcoming season to come!